Results for 'Nyanaponika A. Thera'

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  1.  64
    Understandings of genomic research in developing countries: a qualitative study of the views of MalariaGEN participants in Mali.Karim Traore, Susan Bull, Alassane Niare, Salimata Konate, Mahamadou A. Thera, Dominic Kwiatkowski, Michael Parker & Ogobara K. Doumbo - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundObtaining informed consent for participation in genomic research in low-income settings presents specific ethical issues requiring attention. These include the challenges that arise when providing information about unfamiliar and technical research methods, the implications of complicated infrastructure and data sharing requirements, and the potential consequences of future research with samples and data. This study investigated researchers’ and participants’ parents’ experiences of a consent process and understandings of a genome-wide association study of malaria involving children aged five and under in Mali. (...)
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    Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time (review). [REVIEW]Douglas W. Shrader - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (4):637-640.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and TimeDouglas W. ShraderAbhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time. By Venerable Nyanaponika Thera. Fourth edition. Edited with an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1998. Pp. 160. Paper $16.95.The delightful, thought-provoking Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Timeby the Venerable Nyanaponika Thera is the fourth incarnation of a text originally composed shortly after World (...)
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    The Sheaf of Garlands of the Epochs of the Conqueror, being a Translation of the Jinakālamālīpakaraṇaṁ of Ratanapañña Thera of ThailandThe Sheaf of Garlands of the Epochs of the Conqueror, being a Translation of the Jinakalamalipakaranam of Ratanapanna Thera of Thailand.D. Seyfort Ruegg & N. A. Jayawickrama - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):179.
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    Il Cuore della Meditazione Buddhista. Nyanaponika Thera, translated into Italian by Nazzareno Ilari.Charles Hamilton - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (3):96-98.
    Il Cuore della Meditazione Buddhista. Nyanaponika Thera, translated into Italian by Nazzareno Ilari. Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1978, 209 pp. Lire 6000.
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    A Treasury of the Buddha's Words: Discourses from the Middle Collection. Translated by Nanamoli Thera, edited and arranged by Phra Khantipalo.Maurice Walshe - 1981 - Buddhist Studies Review 6 (2):117-119.
    A Treasury of the Buddha's Words: Discourses from the Middle Collection. Translated by Nanamoli Thera, edited and arranged by Phra Khantipalo. 3 vols, Mahamakut, Bangkok, but available only from Wat Buddha-Dhamma, Ten Mile Hollow, Wisemans Ferry, NSW 2255, Australia.
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    Origins and Application of Geometry in the Thera Prehistoric Civilization Ca. 1650 BC.D. Fragoulis, A. Skembris, C. Papaodysseus, P. Rousopoulos, Th Panagopoulos, M. Panagopoulos, C. Triantafyllou, A. Vlachopoulos & C. Doumas - 2005 - Centaurus 47 (4):316-340.
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    A Thinker's Note Book. (Posthumous papers of Bhikkhu Ñanamoli). Published, edited and introduced by Ven. Nyanaponika, Forext Hermitage Kandy. [REVIEW]Malcolm Hudson - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 1 (1):44-46.
    A Thinker's Note Book.. Published, edited and introduced by Ven. Nyanaponika, Forext Hermitage Kandy. 254pp.
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    Thera Nanno Marinatos: Art and Religion in Thera. Reconstructing a Bronze Age Society. Pp. 128; 83 figures. Athens: D. & I. Mathioulakis, 1984. Paper, 700 drs. (DM 19.80). [REVIEW]Lyvia Morgan - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (01):67-68.
  9. Thera and the Aegean World III - D. A. Hardy, C. G. Doumas, J. A. Sakellarakis, P. M. Warren (edd.): Thera and the Aegean World III: Vol. 1, Archaeology. (Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Santorini, Greece, 3–9 September 1989.) Pp. 511; 370 figures, 52 tables, 1 plate. London: The Thera Foundation, 1990. £150 (set of three volumes). - D. A. Hardy, J. Keller, V. P. Galanopoulos, N. C. Fleming, T. H. Druitt (edd.): Thera and the Aegean World III: Vol. 2, Earth Sciences. (Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Santorini, Greece, 3–9 September 1989.) Pp. 487; 286 figures, 90 tables, 9 plates. London: The Thera Foundation, 1990. £150 (set of three volumes). - D. A. Hardy, A. C. Renfrew (edd.): Thera and the Aegean World III: Vol. 3, Chronology: The Theran Event and its Global Impact. (Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Santorini, Greece, 3–9 September 1989.) Pp. 242; 122 figures, 29 tables. London: The Thera Foundation, 1990 £150 (set of three volumes. [REVIEW]N. Postlethwaite - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (2):362-365.
  10.  19
    Vases préhelléniques de Théra, à l'École française d'Athènes.Louis Renaudin - 1922 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 46 (1):113-159.
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    Critical Examination of Ñanavira Thera's 'A Note of Paticcasamuppada'.Bhikkhu Bodhi - 1998 - Buddhist Studies Review 15 (1):43-64.
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    Critical Examination of Ñanavira Thera's 'A Note on Paticcasamuppada'.Bhikkhu Bodhi - 1998 - Buddhist Studies Review 15 (2):157-181.
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  13.  29
    Comparison of the Pali and Chinese Versions of the Vangisa-thera Samyutta, a Collection of Early Buddhist Discourses on the Venerable Vangisa.Choong Mun-Keat - 2007 - Buddhist Studies Review 24 (1):35-45.
    This article first briefly examines the textual structure of the Vangisathera Samyutta of the Pali Samyutta-nikaya in conjunction with two other versions preserved in Chinese translation in Taisho vol. 2, nos. 99 and 100. Then it compares the main teachings contained in the three versions. These three versions of this collection on the subject of the venerable Vangisa represent three different early Buddhist schools within the Sthavira branch. This comparative study of these three different versions focuses on three major topics: (...)
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  14.  26
    La chronologie des documents en linéaire A.Frieda Vandenabeele - 1985 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 109 (1):3-20.
    Au total 1367 documents avec une inscription en linéaire A sur les 1427 connus peuvent être datés selon le système d'Evans. Ils permettent d'établir avec certitude que cette écriture a été en usage en Crète du MM II au MR I B, avec peut-être un prolongement au MR II. En dehors de Crète, elle est attestée dans les Cyclades, à Kéa au MM III et au MR I B, à Milos au MR I et à Théra au MR I A (...)
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  15.  1
    Right Here and Out There: A Phenomenological Interpretation of Ajjhattaṃ and Bahiddhā in the Context of Mindfulness of the Body.Bhikkhu Akiñcano - 2025 - Philosophy East and West 75 (1):77-96.
    According to the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, mindfulness of the body involves seeing the body in a threefold way: ajjhattaṃ, bahiddhā, and ajjhattabahiddhā. This article attempts to show how an investigation of bodily perception, following the approach adopted by the phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty, can serve as the basis for a philosophically grounded understanding of the Pāli words ajjhattaṃ and bahiddhā. The interpretation that emerges is the distinction between “right here” and “out there”: two mutually dependent, internally related domains that are experienced as (...)
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  16.  35
    The Case of the Sārasaṅgaha: Reflections on the Reuse of Texts in Medieval Sinhalese Pāli Literature.Chiara Neri - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):335-388.
    The Sārasaṅgaha is a Pāli text of XIIth–XIIIth century by the Sinhalese monk Siddhattha Thera. Its themes include the aspiration to become a Buddha, shrines, meditation, theories on rain, wind, gender and more. The main body consists of citations from the Nikāyas, the Jātakas, the Visuddhimagga and above all, from commentarial literature. By analysing the way the Sārasaṅgaha refers to and establishes a dialogue with the quoted works, this paper promotes a new assessment of the cultural and textual tendencies (...)
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  17.  7
    Searching for the Fundamental Book of Buddhism in the Czech Lands and Slovakia.Jan Lípa, Ladislav Rozenský, Petr Ondrušák & Josef Dolista - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-15.
    Buddhism, now a 2,500-year-old religion, very quickly became associated with the study of texts, of which it contained a considerable number. During the development of Buddhism on the territory of Czechoslovakia, since the days of Austria-Hungary, there have been attempts to find, translate, or write a fundamental book of Buddhism, which would help one to orient oneself in the vast and varied material of Buddhist texts. However, none of the books achieved this significance. In 1914–1915, 1917, and 1925, Dharma – (...)
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  18.  26
    G. KIOURTZIAN, Receuil des inscriptions grecques chrétiennes des Cyclades, De la fin du IIIe au VIIe siècle après J.-C.Phane Drossoyianni - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):690-696.
    This is a very good book. It gives 205 inscriptions from ten of the Cycladic islands. A number of them are published here for the first time. In their majority they are either funerary or invocations for divine help. Some are dedicatory. Some are inscriptions on well-paintings identifying the scene or the saint depicted or being themselves dedicatory or invocatory. Some are in praise of God or in thanks to God. Some are exhortations to the faithful or quotations from the (...)
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  19. On some definitions of mindfulness.Rupert Gethin - 2011 - Contemporary Buddhism 12 (1):263-279.
    The Buddhist technical term was first translated as ‘mindfulness’ by T.W. Rhys Davids in 1881. Since then various authors, including Rhys Davids, have attempted definitions of what precisely is meant by mindfulness. Initially these were based on readings and interpretations of ancient Buddhist texts. Beginning in the 1950s some definitions of mindfulness became more informed by the actual practice of meditation. In particular, Nyanaponika's definition appears to have had significant influence on the definition of mindfulness adopted by those who (...)
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  20.  21
    Mapa mediteranskog kirenaizma.Željko Škuljević - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3):551-557.
    Više začuđuje da je Aristip, koji se smatra rodonačelnikom kirenskog hedonizma, sokratovac, nego činjenica da je rodom iz mediteranske Kirene. Grad u kome je rođen, osnovali su nekoliko stoljeća prije grčki koloni, koji su došli s otoka Tere. Po Pindaru, njegova je porodica bila najbogatija i najuzvišenijeg roda u cijeloj Libiji, čime se objašnjava činjenica što je budući hedonist, od malena, bio naviknut na život u raskoši. Nikada ga nisu smatrali sokratovcem u pravom smislu te riječi , što će biti (...)
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    Recherches récentes en épigraphie créto-mycénienne.Jean-Pierre Olivier & Françoise Rougemont - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (2):403-443.
    La Semaine d'épigraphie créto-mycénienne a été organisée par l'École française d'Athènes du 24 au 28 mars 1998, dans le but de réunir, pour quelques séances de travail, des savants reconnus et de jeunes doctorants spécialisés dans l'étude des écritures linéaires A et B. Chacun des participants a présenté un état de ses recherches personnelles : M.-L. Bech Nosch, L'administration des textes en Crète centrale, hors des séries Lc/Le/Ln ; Chr. Boulotis, Les nouveaux documents en linéaire A d'Akrotiri (Théra) : remarques (...)
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  22. Ādi-Grantha wica saṅkalita bhagata-bāṇī wica naitikatā dā saṅkalapa.Madana Gopāla Ācārīā - 2001 - [Patiala]: Bhāshā Wibhāga, Pañjāba.
    Concept of ethics in Ādi-Granth, Sikh canon.
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  23. (1 other version)Leksicheskai︠a︡ semantika: sinonimicheskie sredstva i︠a︡zyka.I︠U︡riĭ Derenikovich Apresi︠a︡n - 1974 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  24. Ignjatovik, A., see Buss, SR.A. W. Apter, M. Magidor, Ch Cornaros & K. Hauser - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 74:297.
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  25. A Discussion On Individuality And Personality.A. Armstrong & John Deck - 1978 - Dionysius 2:93-99.
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  26. A History of Philosophy. Vol. II: Medieval Philosophy.Armand A. Maurer - 1962
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  27. (1 other version)Process and Reality. By A. E. Murphy. [REVIEW]A. N. Whitehead - 1929 - International Journal of Ethics 40:433.
  28.  6
    Nauchnye otkrytii︠a︡: tipy, struktura, genezis.A. S. Novikov - 2007 - Moskva: LKI.
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  29.  41
    Towards a functional anatomy of volition.Sean A. Spence & Chris D. Frith - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):8-9.
    In this paper we examine the functional anatomy of volition, as revealed by modern brain imaging techniques, in conjunction with neuropsychological data derived from human and non-human primates using other methodologies. A number of brain regions contribute to the performance of consciously chosen, or ‘willed', actions. Of particular importance is dorsolateral prefrontal cortex , together with those brain regions with which it is connected, via cortico-subcortical and cortico-cortical circuits. That aspect of free will which is concerned with the voluntary selection (...)
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  30.  10
    A Gaussian Revolution in Logic?A. Almog - 1982 - Erkenntnis 17 (1):47 - 84.
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  31. Śārīrakasārabodhinī.Tirukkuḍandai Āṇḍavan - 1975 - [s.l.: : S.N.].
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  32.  12
    Sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡: teorii︠a︡, istorii︠a︡, praktika.A. G. Zdravomyslov - 2008 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Svet zhizni: istorii︠a︡ chelovechestva v psikhosfere Zemli.A. I. Zelichenko - 2006 - Moskva: Otkrytyĭ mir.
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  34. The story of a brain.A. ZubotI - 1981 - In Douglas R. Hofstadter & Daniel Clement Dennett (eds.), The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul. New York: Basic Books.
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  35.  38
    Pleasure and Instinct: A Study in the Psychology of Human Action.A. H. Burlton Allen - 1930 - Routledge.
    Description from a book review by J. G. Beebe-Center: "Mr. Allen's book develops in detail the view that pleasure and unpleasure are essentially manifestations of the progression and thwarting of impulses. Part one is a brief summary of the principal theories of feeling. Part two is devoted to "sensory" or "bodily" pleasure and unpleasure. These forms of feeling, it is argued, 'depend on an analogue of conation existing in the organism, a nisus to maintain, or to carry out to the (...)
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  36.  29
    Knowledge as a 'Body Run': Learning of Writing as Embodied Experience in accordance with Merleau-Ponty's Theory of the Lived Body.A. Alerby - 2009 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 9 (1).
    What significance does the body have in the process of teaching and learning? In what way can the thoughts of a contemporary junior-level teacher in this regard be connected to the theory of the lived body formulated by the French phenomenologist philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), and vice versa? The aim of this paper is to illuminate, enable understanding and discuss the meaning of the body in the learning process, with specific focus on the learning of writing as embodied experience. In (...)
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  37. Hunger in America: A Matter.A. Matter - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (1).
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  38. Weisheipl, James, A.(1923-1984).A. Maurer - 1985 - Mediaeval Studies 47:R12.
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  39. McHaffie HE Paternity: a story of assisted conception.A. McKie - 1994 - In Ian E. Thompson, Kath M. Melia & Kenneth M. Boyd (eds.), Nursing ethics. New York: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. pp. 13--5.
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    Jainism from the view point of Vedāntic Ācāryas: with special reference to Nimbārka, Śaṅkara, and Rāmānuja.Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī - 2003 - Ahmedabad: B.J. Institute of Learning & Research.
    Lectures based on the commentaries on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa.
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  41. The independence of the church from the national state: A canonical analysis.A. P. H. Meijers - 2011 - Bijdragen 72 (1):3-17.
    The relation between Church and state is nowadays at stake. This article concerns the relation between Church and state from an ecclesiastical and canonical point of view. It makes clear, how the ecclesiastical doctrine reacts to social developments in relation to the national state in order to safeguard the independence of the Church. The 19th century ecclesiastical doctrine on the Church as a societas perfecta reacts on doctrines on the national states, which claimed absolute sovereignty and by that subordinated the (...)
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  42.  17
    What are intentional objects? A controversy among early scotists Dominik Perler (universitat basel).A. Controversy Among Early Scotists - 2001 - In Dominik Perler (ed.), Ancient and medieval theories of intentionality. Leiden: Brill. pp. 203.
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  43.  29
    Doubting the Kālāma-Sutta: Epistemology, Ethics, and the ‘Sacred’.Stephen Arthur Evans - 2007 - Buddhist Studies Review 24 (1):91-107.
    The Kalama-sutta is frequently cited as proof of the rational and empirical spirit of early Buddhist epistemology, ‘The Buddha’s charter of free enquiry’, according to Soma Thera. A close reading, however, calls that interpretation into question. The Kalamas do not ask what is the truth, and the Buddha does not tell them how to find it. Rather the Kalamas ask ‘Who is telling the truth?’ in what may have been the pursuit of sacred or quasi magical power through the (...)
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  44.  75
    Clinical research projects at a German medical faculty: follow-up from ethical approval to publication and citation by others.A. Blumle, G. Antes, M. Schumacher, H. Just & E. von Elm - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):e20-e20.
    Background: Only data of published study results are available to the scientific community for further use such as informing future research and synthesis of available evidence. If study results are reported selectively, reporting bias and distortion of summarised estimates of effect or harm of treatments can occur. The publication and citation of results of clinical research conducted in Germany was studied.Methods: The protocols of clinical research projects submitted to the research ethics committee of the University of Freiburg in 2000 were (...)
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  45.  9
    Double affiliation chez l’enfant en accueil familial.Martin Pavelka - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 234 (4):105-122.
    L’article esquisse d’abord le dispositif institutionnel d’accueil familial théra--peutique ( aft ) au sein duquel se déploie chez l’enfant la problématique étudiée – une affiliation spécifique en accueil familial. Il précise les conditions et les dynamiques de prise en charge en séparation protectrice, ici à dimension thérapeutique. Le cas clinique illustre l’évolution de l’affiliation, conforme à une longue expérience empirique acquise par l’équipe de professionnels dans l’accompagnent des dynamiques psychiques chez les enfants qui bénéficient de deux pôles d’affiliation, à travers (...)
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    Deux notes sur la politique d'Athènes en mer Égée (428-425).Marcel Piérart - 1984 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 108 (1):161-176.
    1. Les îles de Kimolos, Pholegandros, Sikinos et Théra ont été intégrées dans l'empire athénien à la suite de l'expédition d'Alcidas (427), pour verrouiller la mer Egée. 2. Les diminutions du tribut de Colophon et Notion dans les années vingt sont à mettre en rapport avec les opérations de Pachès en 427 et la « nouvelle fondation » dont parle Thucydide (III, 34, 4). Appendice : II n'y a pas eu de bordereau de taxation en 428. La liste ATL II, (...)
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  47.  7
    Tratado del hombre: de sus orígenes a hoy.Heleno Saña - 2010 - Córdoba: Editorial Almuzara.
    Heleno Saña aborda los interrogantes y arcanos de la condición humana en sus más diversas manifestaciones. Ofrece una vasta síntesis de lo que ha sido el Hombre desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días. Esta perspectiva integral le permite a la vez explicar el desarrollo de la Humanidad y de la historia universal en su conjunto. La nueva obra de este reputado filósofo constituye una excelente guía no sólo para descifrar las profundidades y misterios del alma humana, sus conflictos y sus (...)
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  48. Mirʼāt al-murūwāt wa-aʻmāl al-ḥasanāt.ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Muḥammad Thaʻālibī - 2003 - Bayrūt: Dār Lubnān lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Yūnus ʻAlī Madgharī.
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  49. Marksistskai︠a︡ ėtika.A. I. Titarenko (ed.) - 1976 - Moskva: Politizdat.
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  50. The development of Symbolic Logic, a critical-historical study of the Logical calculus.A. Shearman - 1906 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 14 (4):9-10.
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